Ameerika Ühendriikide presidendivalimiste eel – libertarian challenge possible

Kui demokraatide ja vabariiklaste konvendid, kes peaksid erakondade presidendikandidaatideks kinnitama vastavalt Hillary Clintoni ja Donald Trumpi, seisavad veel ees, siis Libertaarne partei on oma valiku juba teinud mai lõpus. Seekord esindab libertaare novembris tuntud poliitikute paarisrakend – presidendikandidaadina endine New Mexico vabariiklik kuberner Gary Johnson (63) ja asepresidendikandidaadina endine Massachusettsi vabariiklik kuberner William Weld (70). Libertaarne partei asutati juba 1971. aastal poliitilise aktivisti David F. Nolani (1943-2010) eestvõttel. Presidendivalimistel on osaletud 1972. aastast , kuid suurema eduta, jäädes tavaliselt alla 0,5% häältest. Mitmed libertaarlaste kandidaadid on endale rohkem nime teinud hoopis Vabariiklikus parteis, sh Ron Paul, Johnson, Weld, Bob Barr. Libertaarlaste grand old man Ron Paul kogus oma ainsal mittevabariiklikul challenge’il 1988. aastal vaid üle 431 000 (0,47%) hääle. Vaid kahel korral on libertaarid jõudnud 1% lähedale. 1980. aastal kogus tandem Ed Clark – David Koch üle 921 000 hääle ja 1,06%. 2012. aastal  kogus Gary Johnson koos Jim Grayga esmakordselt üle miljoni toetaja (ligi 1 276 000 häält, 0,99%). Gary Johnson, tuntud alpinist ja ekstreemsportlane, kelle vallutuste hulka kuuluvad seitsme maailmajao kõrgeimad tipud, sh maailma kõrgeim mäetipp Džomolungma , valiti kahel korral New Mexico kuberneriks, kuid Vabariiklikus parteis ei õnnestunud tal suuremat edu saavutada, misjärel liitus libertaarlastega. Johnsoni peetakse edukaks kuberneriks, kes vähendas oluliselt osariigi bürokraatiaaparaati ning viis osariigi kasumisse.

Gary Johnson on kindlasti palju värvikam kandidaat kui Hillary Clinton, kuid jätab tasakaalukama mulje kui Donald Trump ning ta loodab enda taha koondada eelkõige nii Bernie Sandersi toetajad demokraatide leerist kui ka Trumpi vastased vabariiklased. Innuka tervisesportlasena on ta osalenud paljudel triatloni, maratonijooksu ja jalgrattavõistlustel. Praeguse elukaaslase Kate Prusackiga tutvus ta jalgrattamatkal. 2005. aastal sai Johnson tugevasti  vigastada langevarjuõnnetusel ning valude vaigistamiseks  hakkas ta tarvitama marihuaanat, mida ta küll ei suitsetanud, vaid sõi. Johnson on ka marihuaana legaliseerimise aktiivne pooldaja, kuna see on meditsiiniliselt ohutum valuvaigisti, kui need, mis tapavad 100 000 ameeriklast aastas. Johnsoni poliitilisi vaateid võib iseloomustada kui majanduslikult konservatiivseid, kuid sotsiaalselt liberaalseid. Ta toetab riigivalitsemiskulude ja bürokraatiaaparatuuri vähendamist, maksude vähendamist, lihtsat ja ühetaolist maksusüsteemi ja sõjalise mittesekkumise poliitikat. Johnson on tugevasti oponeerinud kehtivat Föderaalreservi süsteemi ning toetab pankrotimenetluse kehtestamist osariikidele, et vähendada föderaalkulusid. Ta kavatseb vähendada valitsemiskulusid 23% ning tarbimismaksu 28%, kaotada üksikisiku ja ettevõtete tulumaksu ning palgafondi, Medicare ja Medicaid maksud. Johnson on inimõiguste ja isikuvabaduste, aga ka vabakaubanduse ja vabaturumajanduse veendunud toetaja. Johnson usub, et ameeriklaste sekkumine teiste riikide siseasjadesse kasvõi Lähis-Ida näitel ei tee maailma turvalisemaks, kuid ta ei pea end isolatsionistiks. Muuhulgas toetab ta naiste abordiõigust ja on vastu relvade omamise piirangutele ja surmanuhtlusele. Riik peaks sekkuma kodanike eraellu nii palju kui vajalik ja nii vähe kui võimalik, seepärast toetab ta homoseksuaalide õiguseid ning on vastu kodanike jälgimisele riigi poolt. Immigratsiooniküsimusi aitab tema arvates lahendada paljuski vajadus tööjõu järele, tururegulatsioonid ning legaalsete võimaluste tekitamine. Statistika ei kinnita Trumpi õhutatud hirme, et immigrandid panevad toime rohkem kuritegusid kui Ühendriikide kodanikud või võtavad ära ameeriklaste töökohti. Täna tekib rohkem uusi töökohti Mehhikos kui Ameerika Ühendriikides.

Praeguses väga vastanduvas kahe partei vastasseisus võib libertaaridel tekkida oma šanss, sest ühtegi teist mõjukamat „kolmanda võimaluse“ kandidaati pole nende kõrvale esile kerkinud ja hetkel näitavad mitmed küsitlused nende toetajate hulka koguni 10% ümber. Ligi 50% küsitletud ameeriklastest on lubanud kaaluda kolmanda kandidaadi poolt hääletamist, kui lõppvoorus seisavad vastamisi Clinton ja Trump. Praeguse seisuga on kavas Johnsoni kandidatuuri ülesseadmine kõigis 50 osariigis. Libertaarlaste kandidaadid on tuntud ja hinnatud poliitikud, kes eristuvad selgesti kahest suurest kandidaadist ning võivad loota senisest suuremale toetusele. Kui nende toetusmäär peaks tõusma 15%-ni (mida peavad näitama viis üleriiklikku küsitlust), siis kutsutakse neid kolmanda osapoolena suurte parteide debattidele. Intervjuus MSNBCle Ron Paul siiski ei usu, et neil õnnestub debattidele välja murda, mis võimaldaks häälte arvu oluliselt tõsta, sest Ühendriikides on selle tarvis liiga vähe demokraatiat. Siiski on libertaarlaste poolt hääletamist kaalunud Donald Trumpi häälekamad oponendid Vabariiklikust parteist, 2012. aasta presidendikandidaat Mitt Romney ja Nebraska senaator Ben Sasse. Ei tasu unustada, et William Weld toetas Romney’d nii 2008.a. kui ka 2012.a. valimistel. Donald Trump on nimetanud Johnsoni mitte tõsiseltvõetavaks kandidaadiks, kuid Johnson pareeris Trumpi rünnaku, viidates, et nii tema kui Weld on suutnud mitu korda järjest võita osariikides, kus demokraatidel on traditsiooniliselt olnud tugevad positsioonid, nende fiskaalpoliitikat võib nimetada konservatiivseks, kuid sotsiaalküsimustes on nad tolerantsetel positsioonidel, mis võib haarata nooremat põlvkonda. Kolmanda partei võimaluse juures ei tasu unustada, et isegi kui nad ei kogu palju hääli, võivad nad oluliselt mõjutada üldvalimiste tulemusi. 2000. aastal kogus roheliste kandidaat Ralph Nader 2,7% üldhäältest ja 1,6% Floridas, millest piisas, et tagada George W. Bushile võrdsete duellis napp võit Al Gore’i üle. Libertaarid võivad koguda palju hääli ning harvendada nii Trumpi kui Clintoni potentsiaalset valijaskonda.



42 kommentaari (+add yours?)

  1. ckrabat
    juuni 14, 2016 @ 08:50:16

    Ameerika Ühendriikide kõige rohkem vastukaja leidnud sündmus on hetkel Orlando gayklubi ründamine kellegi islamiusulise mehe poolt, mis tõi kaasa 49 inimohvrit. Donald Trump on hakanud ketrama lemmikteemat, lubanud piirata moslemite sissepääsu ning süüdistanud Barack Obamat islamilembuses.
    “Look, we’re led by a man that either is not tough, not smart, or he’s got something else in mind,” Trump said. “People cannot, they cannot believe that President Obama is acting the way he acts and can’t even mention the words ‘radical Islamic terrorism.’ There’s something going on. It’s inconceivable. There’s something going on.”

    “Trump first reacted by calling the incident “horrific,” then kicked up a controversy by accepting congratulations from fans on Twitter Sunday for “being right about Islamic terrorism” by previously calling for a ban on Muslims entering the U.S. During a Fox News appearance on Monday morning, Trump called for mosque surveillance, saying American Muslims know who is radicalized and “if they don’t turn them in, we are never going to be able to get along.” He said “we have to really increase the bombing” and suggested knocking out Islamic State internet capabilities.”
    Läbinisti toimivat kaitsetaktikat polegi olemas ja sellised aktsioonid jäävadki toimuma, eriti veel tänapäeva meediakeskses ühiskonnas, kus igaühel on kerge teenida oma viisteist minutit kuulsust. Tavaline praktika on siiamaani olnud, et suurema turvalisuse ettekäändel hakatakse piirama nende vabadusi, kes selliseid tegusid mitte kunagi toime ei pane, mis võib leevendada küll meediasõltuvuses kodanike hirme, kuid ei aita kuidagi järgmisi rünnakuid ära hoida, vaid võib mõningaid surve alla sattunud elanikkonna kihte isegi tegudele provotseerida.


  2. ckrabat
    juuni 14, 2016 @ 09:43:21

    Eestlasest vabariiklane Delfile: Trump on minu jaoks liiga liberaalne, aga valin teda Hillary takistamiseks.
    Ausalt öeldes ma ei tea, kumb Eestile parem on – Putin või see lagunenud Euroopa nende moslemitega.

    Eesti meedia on hakanud oma massiivses Euroopa-vihas ja euroopaliku pehmo-kultuuri naeruvääristamises vaikselt propageerima Donald Trumpi ja tema vaateid nii nagu nad on varem promonud EKREt.
    Nt. “Nii mõnigi arvas, et enne eilseid California eelvalimisi kaldub demokraatide favoriit Hillary Clinton veelgi rohkem vasakule, et saada enda poole rivaali Bernie Sandersi toetajaid. Selle asemel tuli ta välja Donald Trumpi salvava rünnakuga, mis näitas selgelt, et ta püüab valimisteks saada enda taha laia tsentrit koos osa vabariiklastega. Selles riikliku julgeoleku kõneks nimetatud etteastes polnud õieti mingeid uusi ettepanekuid. See-eest osutus see jõuliselt, sageli pilkavalt ja kohati mõnitavalt vabariiklaste ilmsele kandidaadile kallalekargamiseks, mille patriootlik retoorika pidi eeldatavasti vabariiklastele mõjuma.”


  3. ckrabat
    juuni 14, 2016 @ 14:34:02

    Gary Johnson and Bill Weld talk with John Stossel 6/3/16


  4. ckrabat
    juuni 14, 2016 @ 19:53:46


  5. ckrabat
    juuni 14, 2016 @ 20:29:35

    Poll: Libertarian Johnson tops Clinton among independents
    Küsitluste järgi võib Johnson koguda 10-12%, Fox News küsitluse järgi 12% ning ta peaks ära võtma 23% sõltumatute hääli (Trump 32%, Clinton 22%), 8% demokraate toetab teda ja 11% vabariiklasi. Johnson loodab saada toetajaid juurde eelkõige Bernie Sandersi leerist, kellega tal on üllataval kombel kõige rohkem sarnaseid seisukohti, kuigi üks asub poliitilise skaala paremal ja teine vasakul tiival.
    Nagu Sandersitki, toetavad Johnsonit noored valijad, ta pretendeerib 18% alla 35-aastaste häältest. Vanainimesed teda aga ei salli, vaid 4% üle 65-aastaseid toetab teda.


  6. ckrabat
    juuni 14, 2016 @ 20:52:17

    Edukamad “kolmanda võimaluse” kandidaadid on olnud:
    1912 ekspresident Theodore Roosevelt Põdrapulli partei esindajana kogus 27% häältest ja 88 valijameest, edestas vabariiklaste kandidaati Robert H. Tafti ja jäi alla vaid demokraat Th.W.Wilsonile.
    1968 sai endine Alabama demokraatlik kuberner George Wallace Sõltumatuse partei esindajana 13% häältest ja 45 valijameest.
    1992 multimiljonär Ross Perot võitis 19% häältest, kuid ei võitnud ühtegi osariiki.


  7. ckrabat
    juuni 14, 2016 @ 22:50:18

    New Morning Consult Poll näitab jätkuvalt 10% toetust libertaaridele.
    Veel polle, sügavalt vabariiklikus Utah’is on Trump ja Clinton võrdsed.


  8. ckrabat
    juuni 16, 2016 @ 08:26:33


  9. ckrabat
    juuni 16, 2016 @ 08:30:52


  10. ckrabat
    juuni 21, 2016 @ 09:26:27


  11. ckrabat
    juuni 30, 2016 @ 08:51:27

    Gary Johnsoni seisukohtadest (allpool toodud värskemad&peamised)
    National debt, approaching $20 trillion, is bankrupting us. (Jan 2016)
    National debt of $20 trillion is obscene & unsustainable. (Jan 2016)
    Lay out a process for state bankruptcies. (Aug 2012)
    No bank bailout; no farm subsidies; no stimulus. (May 2012)
    Cut federal budget by 43% to bring it into balance. (Feb 2012)
    Supports separation of religion and state. (Aug 2011)
    Prostitution is safer when legal and regulated. (Jun 2011)
    I support gay unions; government out of marriage business. (Apr 2011)
    Eliminate double taxation embodied in business income taxes. (Jan 2016)
    Visited Occupy Wall Street; we need radical surgery. (Feb 2012)
    Too many unnecessary laws leads to too many in prison. (Jan 2016)
    Vetoed early release of prisoners due to overcrowding. (Aug 2012)
    Vetoed hate crime legislation as thought-crime. (Aug 2012)
    Death penalty as a public policy is flawed. (Jan 2012)
    States are finally seeing the failure of the War on Drugs. (Jan 2016)
    Why do we tell adults what they can put in their bodies? (Jan 2016)
    Marijuana is safer than alcohol. (Aug 2012)
    Public education system needs major reform. (Aug 2012)
    Cap-&-trade imposes costs with no environmental improvement. (Aug 2012)
    Alternative energy good; ethanol subsidies bad. (Nov 2011)
    Supports nuclear power. (Aug 2011)
    No compromise on clean air, but no cap-and-trade. (Oct 2011)
    We can no longer afford to shell out billions in foreign aid. (Feb 2012)
    No foreign aid spending unless it protects U.S. interests. (Nov 2011)
    Flights to Cuba ok; trade promotes friendship. (Sep 2011)
    No tariffs, no restrictions; but no corporatism. (Jul 2011)
    Eliminate needless barriers to free trade. (May 2011)
    Strong advocate of term limits for governors & Congress. (Jan 2016)
    New SuperPAC, “Our America PAC”, for principled candidates. (Dec 2013)
    Supports gun ownership rights. (Aug 2012)
    ObamaCare’s promise of lower cost simply isn’t happening. (Jan 2016)
    Government-managed healthcare is insanity. (Aug 2012)
    Spying on U.S. citizens dismantles the 4th Amendment. (Jan 2016)
    Founding Fathers would be disgusted about spying on citizens. (Jan 2016)
    Overturn simplistic, chaotic, reactive military policies. (Jan 2016)
    Should we have 100,000 troops on the ground in Europe? (Aug 2012)
    Patriot Act is a direct assault on privacy & due process. (Aug 2012)
    Torture has created millions of enemies we wouldn’t have had. (Aug 2012)
    Let the PATRIOT Act expire; respect habeas corpus. (Jan 2012)
    Due process at Guantanamo; no torture of terrorist suspects. (Jan 2012)
    Bigger border fence will only produce taller ladders. (Jan 2016)
    Governments don’t create jobs–businesses do. (Feb 2012)
    Calls himself classical liberal; others prefer libertarian. (Jun 2011)
    Majority of America is fiscal conservative & social liberal. (Jun 2011)
    I view government in the same way as philosopher Ayn Rand. (Aug 2012)
    Favorite philosopher: Milton Friedman. (Aug 2011)
    Raise the retirement age to 70 or 72. (Aug 2012)
    A portion of Social Security ought to be privatized. (Aug 2012)
    No government “back doors” into encrypted, private info. (Jan 2016)
    Oversaw construction of 500 miles of new highway. (Aug 2012)
    We are no safer after years of failed nation-building abroad. (Jan 2016)
    Afghan nation-building will fail; withdraw immediately. (Aug 2012)
    Cut all support and aid to Israel. (May 2012)
    No military threat from Iraq, Afghanistan, nor Libya. (Aug 2011)
    Iran is not currently a military threat. (Aug 2011)
    Impose gross income cap on welfare recipients. (Jul 2011)


  12. ckrabat
    juuni 30, 2016 @ 08:58:24



  13. ckrabat
    juuni 30, 2016 @ 16:00:42

    I’m a Democrat, but I fear the elitism overtaking the party
    Sarah Eberspacher
    In that painting, it’s just the people reached on landlines that admit they plan to support Donald Trump who actually do. And those Trump voters time and again are given a suspiciously similar face: white; male; blue collar. And then those less neutral descriptors: racist; sexist; uneducated. The first three are often shorthand for the second set. The Democratic party – and by that, I mean the party gatekeepers with power to wield media influence, which worked out great for the Brexit vote – are writing off those hardcore racists as an overblown minority that is making more noise than they can translate into votes. But overlooking “regular Joe” moderate voters like the ones who filled my childhood could be our undoing.


  14. ckrabat
    juuli 03, 2016 @ 12:34:22


  15. ckrabat
    juuli 04, 2016 @ 11:16:54


  16. ckrabat
    juuli 18, 2016 @ 07:25:34

    CNN/ORC küsitlus lubab Johnsonile juba 13% toetust, mis on 4% rohkem kui juunis läbiviidud küsitlusel.

    Click to access rel8a.-.2016.pdf


  17. ckrabat
    juuli 19, 2016 @ 13:32:10

    No third-party candidate has won an electoral vote since George Wallace’s campaign as the candidate of the anti-civil-rights American Independent Party, in 1968. Wallace, who focussed on his base, in the South, did not try to win the election; rather, he wanted to win enough electoral votes to deny a majority to the Democratic and Republican candidates. According to the Constitution, if no candidate receives a majority of electoral votes—two hundred and seventy—the contest is decided by the House of Representatives, where each state’s delegation has a single vote. When pressed, Johnson conceded that this is his real strategy. His targets, aside from his home state of New Mexico, are states in the West and the Great Plains that have been Libertarian Party strongholds in the past: Utah, Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, Alaska, and the Dakotas.
    “If it gets thrown to the House of Representatives and it goes beyond one ballot, I could be President,” Johnson said, smiling at the absurdity of the idea. “Because, if it goes beyond one ballot, Democrats are not going to cross over the line to change to Trump, and Republicans are not going to go over the line to support Clinton. They’re going to have to compromise, and I’d be the compromise.”
    But Johnson has yet to convince some leading voices in the Never Trump movement that he’s a credible alternative. Bill Kristol, the editor of The Weekly Standard, said he thought that Weld should be the Presidential candidate. “Weld-Johnson would be a much stronger ticket, and would have a shot to get to fifteen per cent,” Kristol told me. “And Weld on the debate stage taking on Trump and Clinton could be formidable.” Mitt Romney, the most high-profile anti-Trump Republican, said something similar to CNN in June, but he added that he was open to backing Johnson. “If Bill Weld were at the top of the ticket, it would be very easy for me to vote for Bill Weld for President,” Romney said. “So I’ll get to know Gary Johnson better and see if he’s someone who I could end up voting for.” Tim Miller, a former spokesman for Jeb Bush who now works for an anti-Trump super pac, said of Johnson, “Picking Bill Weld was smart, but he needs to carry himself like someone who could seriously be President.” Still, Miller added that at this point he was inclined to vote for Johnson.


  18. ckrabat
    juuli 20, 2016 @ 16:40:07

    FAMILY TIES: The Biggest Difference Between Gary Johnson and Ron Paul
    The biggest difference is money. How much they have and how they’ve spent it.
    1. Calling the Johnson campaign “budget conscious” would be an accurate descriptor. They know their resources are tight, the money they have raised has not come easily and they seem legitimately dedicated to stretching their campaign-dollar to the maximum.
    2. The same cannot be said for Ron Paul’s latest bid for the Republican nomination or the myriad organizations he and his family members have spawned to fleece the “true believers” of their every last dime. People don’t just support Ron Paul, many are personally obsessed with the man. They give and give, and then give some more.


  19. ckrabat
    juuli 20, 2016 @ 16:43:20

    Each is a former two-term Republican governor in a Democratic state who got the local economy moving. Governing across party lines means each is comfortable at compromise, a spirit at the heart of their quixotic campaign. Johnson and Weld aren’t running as anti-government-free-will Libertarians with a capital L. They are agile, practical-minded thinkers with a few quirks: Conservative on money issues, socially liberal, skeptical of government power and military entanglements. Not so scary, right? “Most people are Libertarian,” Johnson told us. “It’s just that they don’t know it.”


  20. ckrabat
    juuli 20, 2016 @ 16:48:36

    The impact of Libertarian Gary Johnson on Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton
    Gary Johnson scores 13% in a new CNN/ORC poll, a new high for the former New Mexico governor
    The biggest question for Gary Johnson, however, is whether he can actually deliver on his current levels of support. When Johnson last ran on the Libertarian ticket in 2012 he took just one per cent of the vote.
    Johnson remains largely unknown. The Franklin Pierce University poll shows that 47 per cent of Americans have never heard of Johnson, while another 27 per cent had heard of him but not enough to form an opinion.
    He is almost certain to under-perform his polls. The Libertarians do not get the media attention or fundraising needed to mount a campaign on par with those of the two big parties. In the final CNN/ORC poll of 2012, Johnson scored two per cent — twice what he actually received.
    But Johnson does seem to be on track to do much better than in 2012. Polling on Johnson was thin in that election cycle, but when his name was included in surveys during the summer he usually scored between three and five per cent.


  21. ckrabat
    juuli 25, 2016 @ 19:44:48

    Drew Carey Wants Libertarian Gary Johnson As President
    As for why Carey supports Johnson, he said, “I don’t need a national daddy, or mommy.” Like Johnson, Carey would not say which of the two major candidates he believes would be worse for the country. Asked who the “lesser of two evils” is between Clinton and Trump, he replied, simply, “Gary Johnson.” And he has no concerns about the Libertarian candidate potentially stealing votes away from Hillary Clinton and inadvertently delivering the election to Donald Trump, as some polls have shown. “I don’t give a fuck,” Carey says, bluntly. “If your person doesn’t get enough votes, you lose. I don’t want to hear it. There are more than two choices and you are allowed to vote for whoever you want. This is America. If you can’t get the votes to win, tough shit.”


  22. ckrabat
    juuli 25, 2016 @ 19:52:51

    Poll: Gary Johnson At 26% In Utah, Three Points From Overtaking Trump
    An internal poll conducted for Rep. Mia Love two weeks ago found Trump at 29 percent, Clinton at 27 percent and Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson at 26 percent.


  23. ckrabat
    juuli 27, 2016 @ 18:13:47

    Pollide kokkuvõtetest võib välja lugeda, et tüüpiline. Gary Johnsoni valija on valge (või latiino), mees, haritud (kolledž), nooremapoolne (kuni 50a) linna/eeslinnaelanik. Kuni 35-aastaste seas ei ole tal probleeme 15% künnise ületamisega, kuid vanemad kui 65.a. Johnsonit ei tea ega poolda. Populaarsem on ta lääneosariikides kui idas. Trumpi toetavad enamuses vanemaealised, mehed ja vähemharitumad. Clintonil on suur eelis teiste rasside ja ka naiste seas.


  24. ckrabat
    juuli 30, 2016 @ 01:03:20

    Trumpi suhtes kriitiline neokonservatiiv Bill Kristol teatas küll teatava mööndusega, et toetab Gary Johnsonit. Johnsonit toetab ka noorim Bushi-vendadest Marvin. Ei saa välistada, et Johnsonit toetab ka Jeb Bush. Oodatakse pikisilmi Mitt Romney toetust. Kõige suuremad võimalused võidule tunduvadki Johnsonil olevat mormoonses Utahis, kus asub ka valimiskampaania peakorter ja kus mõnede küsitluste järgi on ta Trumpi ja Clintoniga sisuliselt viigis. Johnsoni toetus on suurem Montanas, Colorados, Nevadas, New Mexicos, North Dakotas, Maines, New Hampshires, Alaskas ja veel mitmes teises osariigis.


  25. Trackback: USA presidendivalimised 2016 lõppvoor: Clinton vs Trump vs Johnson | Persona in fieri
  26. ckrabat
    aug. 04, 2016 @ 09:12:15

    Libertarian ticket could spoil Clinton party
    Most people think of libertarianism as a kind of right-wing ideology, with its intellectual origins in the free-market economics of Milton Friedman and the unabashed egoism and anti-communism of Ayn Rand. And it’s certainly true that for most of its existence, the Libertarian Party has drawn more heavily from the political right than from the political left.
    First, libertarianism is more than just an economic ideology. It’s a social one. And many Libertarian social positions — an openness to immigration, an embrace of equal rights for gay, lesbian, and transgender persons, a hostility toward the war on drugs and American militarism abroad, and support for women’s reproductive rights — are arguably more progressive than the average Democrat. Libertarians were supporting marriage equality and marijuana legalization, for instance, long before any mainstream politician — Clinton included — would touch those issues.
    Second, even on strictly economic issues, Libertarians have a lot to say that should appeal to those on the left. Libertarians have long been sharply critical, for instance, of the ways regulations such as occupational licensing requirements are used to protect the economically powerful at the expense of the poor and marginalized. They’ve fought against subsidies, bailouts, and other forms of “crony capitalism” that benefit the few at the expense of the masses. And — contrary to popular perception — Libertarians have often argued in favor of a well-designed social safety net to protect those who fail to benefit from the economic dynamism of a free economy. Both Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek, for instance, supported what many regard as a radically progressive policy — a basic income guarantee. And Gary Johnson has suggested that he is open to the idea as well.


  27. ckrabat
    aug. 04, 2016 @ 11:09:48

    Libertarian Party Is Burning Up the Polls, but Will It Matter in November?


  28. ckrabat
    aug. 05, 2016 @ 23:25:56

    Kuidas meinstriim oma positsioone kaitseb…

    Judge Quashes Gary Johnson/Jill Stein Debate Lawsuit
    After sitting on the case for months, Judge Rosemary Collyer of the U.S. District Court for Washington, D.C. this morning shut down a legal challenge by Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson and presumptive Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein to be included in this fall’s presidential debates.


  29. ckrabat
    aug. 07, 2016 @ 23:13:49

    Johnsonit toetab Virginia vabariiklik kongresman Scott Rigell (2016 ta enam ei kandideeri).


  30. ckrabat
    aug. 10, 2016 @ 19:33:40

    Why the ‘Never Trump’ movement is also ‘Never Gary Johnson’
    So what about the two former Republican governors, Gary Johnson and William Weld, nominated by a party that espouses limited government and fiscal responsibility? Why can’t the Never Trumpers go Libertarian?
    Americans don’t need an “inspirer-in-chief.” They are voting for a commander-in-chief. See on juba puhas stultoloogia.

    Johnson and Weld, like most libertarians, are libertine. They support abortion rights and marriage equality. Many Never Trumpers don’t. On an issue that matters a lot to social conservatives, the right of private businesses to not participate in same-sex weddings, Johnson sounds like the Obama administration.

    On paper, Johnson looks great. He’s an extreme athlete who has scaled Everest. He has positioned himself as the ultimate outsider in a year of the outsider. He is also humble, going out of his way to deride other politicians who promise the moon and never deliver and saying he would share presidential responsibilities with Weld, his running mate. Then you watch him on television. It’s a disaster. Johnson is about as telegenic as an educational film about the metric system.
    : …
    As Gillespie said, Americans don’t need an “inspirer-in-chief.” But they are voting for a commander-in-chief. And the former governor of New Mexico doesn’t come off like a commander, a chief or a president of any kind. He comes off like the NASA scientist in the movie who briefs the president right before the meteor hits.


  31. ckrabat
    aug. 10, 2016 @ 19:41:55

    Gary Johnson võib välja jääda Ohio osariigi valimisnimekirjadest tänu sealsele seadusandlusele.
    Näide, kuidas meinstriim üritab vältida kolmandate kandidaatide esilekerkimist


  32. ckrabat
    aug. 10, 2016 @ 19:50:51

    Will Gary Johnson make the presidential debate stage?
    Praegu tundub, et 15% ei õnnestu Johnsonil koguda, kuigi palju puudu ei jää, ta on konkurentsivõimelite noorte (alla 35) valijate seas, kuid teistes valijagruppides on tema populaarsus väiksem. Kui muidugi midagi olulist ei juhtu, mis talle rohkem tähelepanu tooks. Mõned pollid on näidanud, et Johnson juhib alla 25 valijategrupis
    Samuti tundub mulle, et meinstriim erakonnad on teda märganud ja algatanud meediakampaania, mis portreteerib Johnsonit mitte eriti tõsiseltvõetava kandidaadina, sellist aktiivsust on märgata just viimaste päevade jooksul.


  33. ckrabat
    aug. 10, 2016 @ 20:34:25

    Gary Johnsoni toetab kauaaegne (1985-2007) Arizona vabariiklik kongresmen Jim Kolbe, kes on küll avalikult gay ja abielus mehega.
    Samuti osales libertaaride kampaanias Missisipi osariiklik senaator Chris McDaniel, kes kaotas ülinapilt viimastel USA Senati valimistel ametis olevale erakonnakaaslasele Thad Cochranile.


  34. ckrabat
    aug. 12, 2016 @ 15:37:22


  35. ckrabat
    sept. 26, 2016 @ 19:51:31

    Gaffe-prone Gary Johnson says humans must inhabit other planets: ‘The future of the human race … is space exploration’
    “I mean, the plate tectonics at one point, Africa and South America separated and I am talking now about the Earth and the fact that we have existed for billions of years and will going forward,” the gaffe-prone former New Mexico governor said on ABC’s “This Week.”

    Põhivoolu meedia üritab jällegi Johnsonit naeruvääristada.


  36. ckrabat
    okt. 19, 2016 @ 00:47:50


  37. ckrabat
    okt. 20, 2016 @ 17:33:45

    Nirvana’s Krist Novoselic Is a Political Activist & He’s Not Backing Clinton or Trump
    Novoselic has been politically active since the early ‘90s, writing books and columns and rallying around reform through organizations like FairVote. However, he’s not likely to run for office any time soon, since he’d rather not leave rural Washington or alienate fans: “I was in Nirvana; I meet people from all walks of life,” he told the Portland Press Herald. “They love the music, and I’m not just gonna go out there for politics and dehumanize them for what they believe.”


  38. ckrabat
    okt. 20, 2016 @ 17:34:09


  39. ckrabat
    okt. 20, 2016 @ 17:38:51


  40. ckrabat
    okt. 28, 2016 @ 14:27:42

    “First, they ignore you. Then, they laugh at you,” Johnson said, quoting Mahatma Gandhi. “Then, they fight you. Then, you win.”
    It was pro-Uber, antiwar, pro-marijuana and anti-surveillance at the leading third-party candidate’s rally Thursday night in Minnesota. It was pro-miracle (for the win) and anti-border wall. It was pro-Black Lives Matter — despite a handful of boos — and anti-crony capitalism.


  41. ckrabat
    okt. 28, 2016 @ 14:38:11


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